Does Memory Foam Wear Out?
Yes, memory foam wears out. More succinctly, when you lie down on a memory foam mattress, the heat from your body and the mattress’s viscoelastic material form a chemical reaction — which causes the mattress to contour to the shape of your body and then bounce back.

However, after 7 to 10 years of regularly sleeping on your foam mattress, the heat, moisture, and pressure from your body break the viscoelastic material in your foam mattress — causing it to sag and compress.
Factors that cause your mattress to wear out fast
Although most frequently used foam mattresses tend to wear out within 7-10 years, other factors can cause them to wear out before their due date. Here are some of them.
Failing to use a mattress protector
Most people tend only to use a layer of bed sheets to protect their memory foam mattress, but the problem is perspiration, fluids, body oils, dust mites, and dead skin cells can easily seep through sheets onto your mattress.
In the long run, all these substances will not only cause bacterial build-up, odor, and discolouring but will also wear out the foam in your mattress faster than you bargained for.
The good thing is, unlike those old sweaty vinyl covers that felt like sleeping on a raincoat, these days, mattress protectors are designed with soft and comfortable yet liquid-repellent materials. Not to mention, some mattress protectors come with an extra layer of padding.
Not rotating your mattress
Regardless of the quality of your memory foam mattress, if you sleep in the same position every day without rotating and flipping it, eventually, your pressure points will cause it to sag prematurely.
Flipping and rotating your mattress at least once every six months will eliminate everyday wear and tear. Beyond that, if your memory foam doesn’t favor flipping, a simple 180-degree rotation is sufficient.
Read about putting memory foam mattress on the floor
Not cleaning your mattress
If you want your mattress to last a long time, cleaning your mattress every three months is vital. Vacuuming your mattress regularly will help eliminate dead skin, dust mites, and other loose dirt that can cause your foam mattress to wear out fast. Also, you can sprinkle some baking soda to absorb any moisture and keep it fresh.
You keep your memory foam in the dark.
Failing to open your curtains and blinds might seem innocent. However, bacteria, dust mites, and mold thrive in environments with little lighting. That’s why it is essential to open your blinds and windows daily for your memory foam mattress to breathe and get some light.
Besides that, don’t cover your mattress with layers of blankets the first thing you wake up — it also promotes bacteria and dust mite growth. Instead, we recommend waiting an hour or two before you make your bed so that it can breathe.
Learn about compress and storing the memory foam mattress
Although most good things have to come to an end, you can increase your mattress’s life span by rotating it frequently, cleaning it, and letting it breathe.